Palitoy produced the Kenner Star Wars toys, so to keep within cost target we designed the figures with accessories so they matched. We had a basic cost target for the vehicles. I remember I needed to simplify the AF7 to meet tooling costs and packaging criteria, which I think is borne out in the catalogue photos.
102) Were there ever any talks of creating an animated cartoon of Action Force?
103) Was the

104) The

Pass, not familiar with Osprey.
105) Geoff Campion used Tony Geraghty's 'This Is the SAS' as a reference source for some of his artwork, not least his "Super Soldiers of the SAS" booklet, also the Osprey Men At Arms series. Did he find these independently or were they recommended by you and your team?
106) The back stories of many Action Force and Enemy characters, and many of the Battle Action Force stories, derived inspiration from the secret wars and anti-terrorist operations - and, of course, the terrorist movements themselves - of the 1960s and 1970s. How much influence did such contemporary history have on the design process for the characters?
If so, it was very subliminal. The Baron range of Teams was partly based on early James Bond films.
107) Was Boffin of Special Weapons Force based on yourself?
Well , the original prototype had glasses which I wear, but he has hair which I have very little of; but see next answer.
108) Was Boffin somehow an inspiration for Baron Ironblood? After all, you are name-checked in the special edition of the Roboskull blueprints at Matto Grosso Laboratories as "Boff"

I designed the blueprint and “Boff”, from Special Weapons, was a name someone called me when I was in my early twenties. I suppose Boffin ( Boff ) could have been captured by Baron and forced to develop some of his weapons and that was reason SWS was disbanded ( more likely Marketing didn’t want another team ). It was 30 years ago and my memory doesn’t recall but that could have been my thinking then.
109) The 1983 catalogue had many interesting prototypes, particularly for Space Force. Some of the Space Force figures appear on an early Battle Action Force 'competition' cover. How close did they, the Space Force base and the novel Cosmic Cruiser get to the production line?

Didn’t the Cosmic Cruiser get into production? I thought it did: it’s in the 1983 catalogue. It’s 30 years and I can’t remember !! I remember we modified the figures. See 95.
110)This two handed 'weapon at the ready' position is synonymous with Action Force figures, do you remember how or why this pose was chosen?

We did make some figures with arms in bent position so that he could hold the rifle ; and also we made some prototypes with one-piece moulded legs in kneeling position which didn’t get accepted by Marketing.