White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

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Good guy - White Shadow?
Bad guy - The Scientist?
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White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by SteveD »

Now, I bought a ROC :storm: for his head for another little project of mine, and then found myself disgusted with myself that after a week of having a headless body sat on my desk I hadn't popped a Shadow head onto it, so I came up with this:-


Now, my question is, "who is he???"

I cant decide whether he is:-

White Shadow
A Red Shadow, captured by Action Force after a heated battle, and stopped from killing himself. Action Forces best psychiatrists then undid all of the Barons brainwashing, and brought him back to his senses. He then decided to join Action Force in their battle against The Baron.

As he became a big fan of Arthurian legends he became intrigued by Sir Lancelot, and took to wearing all white, in homage to Lancelot. Due to some horrendous scarring he got in the heat of battle, he opted to continue to wear his Shadow helmet, but had it painted white, and began going by the codename "White Shadow".

or, is he:-

The Scientist(aka "The Shad Scientist" [like Mad Scientist, but more Shadowy!])
Formerly one of Boffins finest scientists in :fforce: he defected and joined :enemy:. It is not clear if he became disillusioned with the controlling ways of Boffin and :fforce:'s reluctance to create WMD's powerful enough to wipe out indescriminatory or whether he was brainwashed somehow by :baron2:.

When he defected he took with him the blueprints and a few prototype Laser Exterminators. These were the 'Special weaponary' set up on the slopes of Mount Ascendancy referred to in early stories. To this day he applies his genius of a mind to the development of weaponary for the Barons armies and one of his finest moments was coming up with the propulsion system that keeps the Roboskull in the air and allows it to fly in atmosphere and space.

Secretly working behind the scenes, his evil genius continues to push the boundaries of feasibility in weaponary for the Enemy armies.


Now, answer carefully, dear friends, as your answer here determines which shelf he gets to stand on in my cabinet, so it is very important! :-D

:storm: "That bugger his nicked my best duds!"
Alte Volat

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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by skyline »

according to the stand his name is Ice-Viper lol


I would go with White Shadow

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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by Red Laser »

Nice Steve I didn't know you did Shad heads in RoC style or did you alter the neck joint? Definitely have him as a Red Shadow scientist he looks good in white maybe add Rex Lewis or CC's equipment to him as well. I think the bazooka would be better black to off-set from so much white.
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"Red! The colour of my Shadows, The colour of fire and of blood......All that I stand for!" Baron Ironblood, Operation Bloodhound

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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by SteveD »

Red Laser wrote: Nice Steve I didn't know you did Shad heads in RoC style or did you alter the neck joint?
They're in the Store!!! :-D (shameless plug!!)

Red Laser wrote:Definitely have him as a Red Shadow scientist he looks good in white maybe add Rex Lewis or CC's equipment to him as well. I think the bazooka would be better black to off-set from so much white.
That would involve me buying a Rex though, which would be a bit expensive as this is just a "thrown together from spares" thing. The white bazooka was a "I've got some spare plastic" jobbie I made ages ago, and it just seemed he held it well! I have tons of black ones though, so he can hold them too if he wants (lucky guy!). He does look a bit like an ice cream at the moment doesn't he though???
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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by Red Laser »

Add some black to straps and belts maybe? Ok cool it's worth considering getting some if I do more head swapping but then Hasbro UK are pulling the plug on selling any more Joe figures so other than duke, scarlett and Cobra Commander I won't be able to get anything else locally. Rex does seem to be going for £15.99 or thereabouts carded on e-bay so I don't blame you on not getting him.
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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by SteveD »

Na, I like the pure white thing. Very clinical.

And fear not - I'm sure we will always be able to get supplies of whatever tickles our fancy off the internet and through folks like Mr Tree with his emporium of treats! :-D
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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by Monkfish »

Ooh, this is difficult. The White Shadow bio - bad guy turned good but still wears the enemy logo - seems too far fetched, even by AF standards. But on the other hand the Shad Scientist as technological wizard treads heavily on Red Laser's toes:

:laser: "I designed the Laser Exterminator, dammit!"

Yet... the white 'lab coat' look makes sense, so could he still be a scientist but more of a chemical and biological expert? The guy who got Kraken under control and mass-produced, for example? Or is there room enough for two techno wizards in the Baron's army?

(Whatever he is, it's a cracking custom figure.)

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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by SteveD »

Ha ha! Now you see my dilemma Monkfish! The Stormie Ninja coat just looks so scientist doesn't it?

I like the idea of the Scientist doing a bit of Bio engineering though! Perhaps the Skeletron creator? (as the Kraken was found in that there ice). Or the guy who cloned the Kraken! :-D
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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by Double-Tap »

i had planned on doing an Enemy version of the SWF usin palitoy figs.
main bad guy was called "The Mangler"

so i'm goin for mad scientist

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Re: White Shadow? Or Shad Scientist?

Post by SteveD »

Just noticed the incredible build up of dust on the shelf there. I'm hoping that if I leave it long enough it will look like snow by the time the Arctc Shadows are complete! :oops:
Alte Volat

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