Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

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Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

It's that time again! We need three questions ready for submission no later than midday GMT on January 4th.

We must have a few unused questions kicking about if anybody fancies trawling through the previous threads... :.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by jamarmiller »

from what I am reading on other sites, this will be the last one they are doing?

is that correct baron, what have you heard?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by jamarmiller »

Question :

1. Will we see the IRON KLAW and Quarrel inspired repaint of Scarlett in the future! I really want a Quarrel and Iron Klaw !

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

Nope, there will be more in 2010 - this is the e-mail I got:
Hi folks and happy holidays!

We hope you and yours are having a terrific holiday season and looking forward to 2010 as much as we are.

Just a reminder that the final round of the 2009 GI JOE Q&A session will take place RIGHT AFTER THE NEW YEAR.

We need all questions submitted NO LATER than 12:00PM (noon) eastern on Monday January 4th - exactly one week from today. That means that you can send them in earlier; and I actually encourage that, so no issues arise.

If we don't receive them by then, they will have to wait until we start up the new 2010 schedule in March (details forthcoming).

***Please note: There will be no exceptions this round for late submissions. Because January is Toy Fair prep, there is zero wiggle room. So get the questions in as early as possible - maybe before the weekend - then you can relax and toast the new year stress-free.

As always, do not send them to this email address but rather to *****************. Answers will be returned by Friday, January 15th.

Thanks so much and happy new year!

Mike and team
Maybe people got confused by the "Final round of 2009" comment?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

OK, we need our submission ready for tomorrow. Please discuss!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Sundance »

has legal got back to you about our request to create a Red Shadow convention exclusive for our con in late 2010?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by jamarmiller »

Well if no one else will ask any more questions ill ask more

If IRON KLAW is released will you consider packing him with a DVD/Cd Rom of a GI JOE EXTREME epsisode ?

With the recent announcement of Mattels Max Steel getting a movie from Paramount with one of the stars from the twilight movie series, can we expect anything new of Action Man, Toys、 comics、 anything?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

Sundance wrote:has legal got back to you about our request to create a Red Shadow convention exclusive for our con in late 2010?
Not sure who you mean by 'legal'? We touched upon it rounds four:

2) We are planning the first GI Joe UK convention for 2010. Would you be interested in producing an exclusive figure or boxset for the event?

Awesome! While we would love to support each covention with product, we cannot do this and still focus on the mainstream line. Please let us know the dates of the convention and we will try and help you where possible.

and five:

1) For September 2010 we plan to host the first ever UK GI Joe convention. Do you have any suggestions or advice, please? We would greatly value any input you could provide.

There is also a Transformers convention in the UK called Autobot Assembly. We would suggest trying to get in contact with the organizers of this event. They have been running them for many years and have had great success. Best of luck with the convention and thank you for the support!

but we haven't done anything further, if you had a question in mind. They haven't said 'no' which is the main thing. We'll approach them properly with details when things are more definite.

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This is a blanket motive fallacy attached to everyone attempting to confirm this from somewhere outside their own circle of interest.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by Dave Tree »

how about asking from a slighty different angle? Asking an open question that hopefully prompts them to reply.

for example something along the lines of;

There are plans a foot for a UK convention, HOW would Hasbro support such an event as they do elsewhere?

While this isn't asking a direct 'will you do a figure' it's actually an invitation to get involved, contribute content and participate which may perhaps result in a much more postive response?
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Six 2009

Post by The Baron »

Well don't forget they already said:
Hasbro wrote:Awesome! While we would love to support each covention with product, we cannot do this and still focus on the mainstream line. Please let us know the dates of the convention and we will try and help you where possible.
Not that I'm knocking your question, just saying that it needs to be phrased as a continuance IMO.

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