There is a site called "Vote for the Worst" that can have a massive effect on online polls, and almost certainly had a huge effect on American Idol a couple of years ago, when a truly dreadful performer (but fair do's to him for giving it a go) got through to the last few. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind Colin Baker's high standing.the enemy muton wrote:There was a poll for this on Yahoo (I think) just the other week - bizarrely Colin Baker came out way in front; I can only assume most people were getting confused with Tom Baker, which is where my money would have been for the popular vote.
I agree with that about the underlying plot, especially the need to somehow tie everyone together that ever appeared in it during the last 5 years. However I thought that some of the one-off episodes were cracking.the enemy muton wrote:To be blunt, I think it disappeared up it's own bottom