Who is your favorite Doctor?

Polls and surveys. Have your say!

Who is the best Doctor?

William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
No votes
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
No votes
Chris Eccleston
David Tennant
Total votes: 31

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Re: Who is your favorite Doctor?

Post by Monkfish »

the enemy muton wrote:There was a poll for this on Yahoo (I think) just the other week - bizarrely Colin Baker came out way in front; I can only assume most people were getting confused with Tom Baker, which is where my money would have been for the popular vote.
There is a site called "Vote for the Worst" that can have a massive effect on online polls, and almost certainly had a huge effect on American Idol a couple of years ago, when a truly dreadful performer (but fair do's to him for giving it a go) got through to the last few. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind Colin Baker's high standing.
the enemy muton wrote:To be blunt, I think it disappeared up it's own bottom
I agree with that about the underlying plot, especially the need to somehow tie everyone together that ever appeared in it during the last 5 years. However I thought that some of the one-off episodes were cracking.

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Red Baron
But, sir, I think we might be going a bridge too far.
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Re: Who is your favorite Doctor?

Post by Red Baron »

Late posting to this topic! I have to go with Peter Davison partly because I grew up with him playing The Doctor and always remembered stories like Earthshock, Ressurection Of The Daleks and Caves Of Androzani. He had some great stories in a short period.

I do like Tom Baker who played him excellently and a friend of mine, who is a huge fan of Doctor Who, has recently got me watching Pertwee, who I have also enjoyed. David Tennant was good and Matt Smith isn't bad, but it's not real Doctor Who is it? Bring back stories that ran for weeks . . . I know they were slow sometimes, but they had charm ;-)

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