Skeletron: Character or Trooper?

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Skeletron: Character or Trooper?

Character: a single fig
Trooper: army builder
Total votes: 53

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Stanley Fernando

Re: Skeletron: Character or Trooper?

Post by Stanley Fernando »

To ressurect this old topic.....

I've always felt :skeletron: was one of The :baron: 's best Officers too who was turned into the cyborg we all know and love following being fatally injured in an A.F. attack.

So I agree with someone elses thingy on that posted earlier (well, 3 yrs ago!). He's kind of like General Grevious imho....barely alive!

Then again, I've also liked the Palitoy concept of El Barone taking A.F. chaps and brain washing them into becoming scumbags like the :major:....He did it with :major: and rebuilt :jackal: who once was :AFLogo: Jackal.....

My only gripe was Palitoy never added any accessories with him. I really wish we had official proof as to what he was i.e. the paper blurb some have mentioned came with him.....

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Re: Skeletron: Character or Trooper?

Post by skyline »

Ok so with lots of reading I still cant find any hard proof if this guy was a set figure or army builder, so Im going with army builder and if proof ever comes at least I can sell them off.

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