Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by SteveD »

Good point Baron - so it hopefully works one of two ways - it either prompts them to do something, or confirms we can get something done without getting in bother.

Fingers crossed...
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?? ??????

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Precisely my feeling.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Double-Tap »

Jarar hopefully hasbro will look at the customs because most are using gi joe sculpts but arent gi joe characters and would be a follow up if they are interested in either licencing the sculpts or producing a new range of toys using now outdated molds.
if they can make money, why not?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Space Commander »

...its a bit like holding your breath over here, isn't it? All we can do is wait with fingers crossed!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

other sites are starting to post thier answers so hopefully well get answers really soon, ones that dont land us all in Jail LOL

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Hasbro wrote:A note from the Hasbro G.I. Joe Team: Thank you for your incredible support over the past year. What started as just a handful of figures in 2007 now includes a full line of figures, vehicles, comic packs, DVD packs, Mighty Muggs, and Combat Heroes. Yo Joe! We would like to take this opportunity to answer one of the most common questions about the classic 3 3/4"" figures we have heard from the fans: Will there be any more classic 1980's 3 3/4"" figures after fall 2008? The Hasbro G.I. Joe Team's response: In late 2008 you will see a bonus wave of single figures and classic comic packs that are redecos of figures from the 25th Anniversary collection. Due to the huge success of the G.I. Joe line, we were able to squeeze in a number additional figures into the end of this year. But this does not mean the end of classic figures or new tooling! As we head into 2009 prior to the August 2009 live-action movie G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, you will see newly tooled classic vehicles, newly tooled versions of your favorite characters from G.I. Joe Resolute, and a number of favorites you have been waiting for: Dr. Mindbender, Alpine, Tunnel Rat, Alley Viper, Recondo, Outback, Night Creeper, Zap, Shockwave, and even more! With the release of the 2009 movie you will see many of your favorite 1980's characters in movie styling, but that does not mean the end of the classic style. The Hasbro G.I. Joe Team recognizes that there are plenty of additional classic 1980's figures and vehicles to release in the future after the movie and in the years to come.
BFTB wrote:Hi, thank you for once again inviting our questions. Many of the members of the BFTB forum are curious about producing a range of Red Shadow style figures, and are wondering whether or not the licence has lapsed. There has been speculation that the Devil's Due Red Shadows may not have been redesigned simply as artistic licence, but that because to have done them faithfully would in fact have been a violation of copyright. Is this the case?
Hasbro wrote:The rules with copyright is that we must continually use a name in order to keep the mark. We no long hold the mark for the Red Shadow.
BFTB wrote:After Hasbro bought out the British company Palitoy, many GI Joes were released in Britain and Europe as Action Force characters. We understand that these particular characters remain the property of Hasbro Inc. However, do Hasbro own the copyrights to the earliest Action Force characters, the ones created solely by Palitoy which were never Hasbro products and were therefore nothing to do with GI Joe? In short, does Hasbro own the Palitoy Action Force teams Z Force, SAS Force, Q Force, Space Force and the Red Shadows?
Hasbro wrote:Yes, Hasbro owns any releases of GI Joe under Action Force. Many of the names used originally are no longer trademarked.
BFTB wrote:Would Action Force fans be within their rights to produce (from their own moulds and in limited quantities) figures based on the original Palitoy characters, for the specific small-market of loyal Action Force collectors located in the UK? Please note, such a small market couldn't possibly harm GI Joe, especially considering that not all GI Joe lines are made available in the UK to begin with. With Hasbro now mainly focusing on the 25th range, would it be possible for an independant company to licence early GI Joe moulds and re-issue them to the European market as Action Force and the Enemy? If so, who would they contact?
Hasbro wrote:Fans who want to produce figures and sell them on a mass basis (not a single custom figure) should talk to Hasbro directly about the opportunity. Due to trademark rights, fans cannot produce and sell their own figures.
BFTB wrote:On the other hand, if Hasbro are still in possession of the Action Force copyrights, would you be interested in creating a new range of 25th Anniversary Action Force designs for the European market? It would be a relatively simple task to create articulated figures of the original straight-legged characters using existing GI Joe moulds, the entire range could be recreated with a few simple colour variations, vehicles included. Would you be interested in seeing some prospective designs from our customs team?
Hasbro wrote:Hasbro believes that G.I. Joe as a brand will be able to succeed across the world due to the G.I. Joe movie.
BFTB wrote:What are the chances of seeing an online exclusive pack of repaints done in the original Action Force style? Some of the original US versions of these characters have already had 25th anniversary remoulds (Quarrel, Blades, Red Laser, Gaucho, etc.). It would be especially appropiate now with the 25th anniversary of the Battle Action Force comic upon us. Thank you for your time, we appreciate this opportunity and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hasbro wrote:Right now there is no plan for this.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

well they were good answers to questions we all wanted to know, Im super happy that we didnt get out asses thrown in Jail too though LOL

good hard hitting questions

too bad there is no plans for the repaint guys though

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Shadow_Contact »

Hmmm I cant help but notice that there saying Action Force and Red Shadows are no longer there Trademarks. Well that means that we can produce what we want as long as an actual "Joe" mold isnt used right?
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Shadow_Contact wrote:Hmmm I cant help but notice that there saying Action Force and Red Shadows are no longer there Trademarks. Well that means that we can produce what we want as long as an actual "Joe" mold isnt used right?

thats what I am getting from it as well come on alyosha you been getting hit for stuff for years now here is your chance to do something that isnt in violation of something!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Hasbro wrote:The rules with copyright is that we must continually use a name in order to keep the mark. We no long hold the mark for the Red Shadow.
Hasbro wrote:Yes, Hasbro owns any releases of GI Joe under Action Force. Many of the names used originally are no longer trademarked.
Hasbro wrote:Fans who want to produce figures and sell them on a mass basis (not a single custom figure) should talk to Hasbro directly about the opportunity. Due to trademark rights, fans cannot produce and sell their own figures.
Hasbro wrote:Hasbro believes that G.I. Joe as a brand will be able to succeed across the world due to the G.I. Joe movie.
Hasbro wrote:Right now there is no plan for this.
Well, question 4 was a bit of a brush-off, but I suppose really it was a dumb question. You don't ask if people want to see submissions - you submit them!

So looking at question 2 there, I get the impression that they still own the name Action Force, but not Z Force, SAS Force, Q Force, Space Force or the Red Shadows.

Does anybody know anything about registering a copyright? I did a google yesterday and went blind.

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