Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

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Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Another Q&A round is approaching. A little while ago we were discussing the possibility of making our own moulds; http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpbb2/ ... =25&t=2273

Does anyone have a tactful way of asking Hasbro if we can do this?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

I don't

but here is mine

1. With the international tribute figures Red Ninja ( for Satan) and Black Storm Shadow ( for Ninja-ku) you used the original Character art as the basis for the your new packaging, however with Pilot Scarlett ( For GLENDA ) you decided to go another route. Why was it chosen NOT to go with her original character art like it was done for the other two?

2. Are there any plans to bring the Movie toys or current line to the UK Market?

3. What, if any, are the current plans with ACTION MAN ? we know IDW was commissioned to do some art for the line and toys were shown at toy fair but we havent seen or heard much. Is Action Man posed to return soon in either the GI JOE line ( like Matt Trakker of Mask did ) or his own line?

4. Do you consider the far more well known (in the UK ) ACTION FORCE to be a seperate line from GI JOE now?

5. Are there any plans for a anniverary salute type collection for Fans in the UK

OKAY thats 5 but feel free to use or NOT use any of them

wont hurt my feelings one way or another

so everyone else get in on the fun and submit some questions!!!!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Space Commander »

Its too early in the day to give you an intelligent answer right now..., but let me think about it and I'll post later :skyraider: . I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring ya, that's all!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Shadow_Contact »

Only way I could think of tactfully asking would be to straight out ask if Hasbro has the rights to SAS, Z-Force, Red Shadows, etc... If they dont have the rights (which I dont think they do) then making new molds inspired by the classic figures shouldnt be a problem.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Shadow_Contact wrote:Only way I could think of tactfully asking would be to straight out ask if Hasbro has the rights to SAS, Z-Force, Red Shadows, etc... If they dont have the rights (which I dont think they do) then making new molds inspired by the classic figures shouldnt be a problem.
love your sig shadow contact!

thanks for your enthusiasm!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Space Commander »

I'm awake now, and I agree.

What if we (politely!) said something along the lines of;
After Hasbro bought-out the British company Palitoy, many GI Joes were released in Britain and Europe as Action Force characters. We understand that these particular characters remain the property of Hasbro Inc. However, does Hasbro own the legal rights to the earliest Action Force characters, the ones created soley by Palitoy which were never Hasbro products, and were therefore nothing to do with GI Joe? In short, does Hasbro own the Palitoy Action Force characters Skip, Eagle, Chuck, Leviathan, and the Red Shadows?

Would Action Force fans be within their rights to produce (from their own molds) in limited quantities figures based on the original Palitoy characters, for the specific small-market of loyal Action Force collectors located here in the UK?
* Please note, such a small market couldn't possibly harm GI Joe, especially considering that not all GI Joe lines are made available in the UK to begin with.

What do ya reckon? Too much? Good to go?


* Let's keep Jamar and our other overseas pals out of the equation until we've tested the water! No offence, fellas. Let's just try our luck first, and then see about the rest of the World later!
ACTION FORCE; The 21st Century Mini-Comics Project. http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/ ... 62&t=13534

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by The Baron »

Now that sounds reasonable, we could approach it from the angel "were the Devil's Due Red Shadows redesigned as artistic licence, or because to have done them faithfully would in fact have been a violation of copyright?"

Like that, but good.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Double-Tap »

Does anyone have a tactful way of asking Hasbro if we can do this?
"Wtih Hasbro now mainly focusing on the 25th range, would it be possible for an independant company to licence early GI JOE moulds and re-issue them to the European market as Action Force and the Enemy? If so who would they contact?"

Maybe something like that short and sweet. no mention of copyright or ownership but plant the seed. with the 25th ann of BAF approaching its a perfect time and with the price of original figs soaring it shows the line is still popular. Even if its out of the question maybe Hasbro would be interested themselves. a back door route back into the european market would only strengthen the gi joe line and as far as i'm aware the 25th gi joes are only available in the states. also the movie, new cartoon etc. if it happens (iwish, i wish) Action Force could easily be incorporated into the new comic and joe universe officialy


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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Double-tap wrote:
Does anyone have a tactful way of asking Hasbro if we can do this?
"Wtih Hasbro now mainly focusing on the 25th range, would it be possible for an independant company to licence early GI JOE moulds and re-issue them to the European market as Action Force and the Enemy? If so who would they contact?"

Maybe something like that short and sweet. no mention of copyright or ownership but plant the seed. with the 25th ann of BAF approaching its a perfect time and with the price of original figs soaring it shows the line is still popular. Even if its out of the question maybe Hasbro would be interested themselves. a back door route back into the european market would only strengthen the gi joe line and as far as i'm aware the 25th gi joes are only available in the states. also the movie, new cartoon etc. if it happens (iwish, i wish) Action Force could easily be incorporated into the new comic and joe universe officialy

this is a very good post/point to think about IF we are going to ask something like this in a public forum

personally I think we should ask 5 questions and then take this question and send it to them and let them know its NOT part of our public 5 questions and just something we would like to know

Again they are doing this Q and A to ultimately make MONEY

and ya I agree try the UK first before the rest of the world, I dont mind exporting to Japan LOL

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Four 2008

Post by Double-Tap »

[quote][personally I think we should ask 5 questions and then take this question and send it to them and let them know its NOT part of our public 5 questions and just something we would like to know


Yea, i know what you mean. dont want to give other people ideas!!
But just to see these on the shelves again would be great. some of my best childhood memories involved action force

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