Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

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Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Hasbro Q&A wrote:1. Given that the Crimson Guards first appeared in the 1985 GI Joe wave of toys, were these red uniformed enemy figures inspired, at least in part, by the success of the similarly outfitted Red Shadow toys that were such a huge hit with kids in Europe pre-1985?

2. With the International logo being present on Ninja-Ku and Glenda, are there plans to do more releases based on international characters? If so, why were the South American characters chosen first when the European Action Force characters have a larger and more active fan base?

3. Is there any chance that variants could be made of the Ninja Ku and Pilot Scarlett to more accurately reflect the original characters, please? For example Ninja Ku was renamed as Storm Shadow and had white skin, rather than the original darker tone, and the upcoming Pilot Scarlett (Glenda inspired repaint) has red hair not blonde.

4. There seems to be some confusion as to how GI Joe became involved with the international ranges. If more international heroes are revamped and released in the future, please would you consider adding a very brief explanation on the cardbacks as to which companies produced those figures before being bought-out by Hasbro?

5. And if you were to release any 25th anniversary Action Force figures, please could we have characters other than the nine original GI Joe repaints? * Rather than giving us a new set of these, please would you consider casting other Action Force characters instead? We would love to have a fully poseable Baron Ironblood and Black Major!

* Gaucho (Gung-Ho), Jammer (Stalker), Quarrel (Scarlett), Steeler (Steeler), Stalker (Snake Eyes), Blades (Tripwire), Hunter (Cobra Officer), Red Jackal (Destro) and Red Laser (Cobra Commander)
The Baron wrote:OK, here's the answers!

1) It is hard to say for sure…but the Red Shadow influence in the US was high.

2) No plans for any more international tribute figures in 2008.

3) There are no plans for this right now. These are meant to be tribute figures which can also appeal to the greater masses of fans of GI Joe.

4) Great suggestion. We can look into this.

5) There are no plans for this right now, but thanks for the feedback.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by Crimson Rage »

So basically "no chance". I'd have thought a 25th Red Shadow would have had more appeal than a "Ninja-Ku". It would be so easy to do too: Cobra body, Cobra Commander head... Viola!!! No new moulds at all.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Crimson Rage wrote:So basically "no chance". I'd have thought a 25th Red Shadow would have had more appeal than a "Ninja-Ku". It would be so easy to do too: Cobra body, Cobra Commander head... Viola!!! No new moulds at all.
I think RED LASER would be the more easier one to do since he was the direct repaint of Cobra Commander but ya depressing there isnt any more international figures coming out, *at least this year). I thought it would be great if one came out at least once every wave.

they were the only ones I was actually buying

they didnt answer why SOUTH AMERICAN guys were picked over british character either sadly
the SA guys dont even have a site dedicated to them but we have this entire site, youd think they would start with the bigger fan base at least.

not that Im complaining I LOVE MY SATAN NINJU KU and in the FUTURE GLENDA, I just want more of these guys !

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by Lt Storm »

Ugh, I'm so sick of Hasbro, these Q&A's are starting to be pointless. They never give an honest answer and really need to start taking them a lot more seriously. We're old school long time fans not children.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by Space Commander »

Yeah, I got some World Class Snot from Hasbro when I asked some Transformers questions awhile back. And we pay their wages!

But then again, we've got to play nice. They're the license holders and that means we've got no one else to turn to.

Let's just hope our continued support will lead them to eventually help us out. (At least they seemed interested in the cardbacks idea, if nothing else).

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Three 2008

Post by pocoyo_joe »

Sorry I've been away from the site for a while (too many factors to mention but one involved crashing my bike into a metal fence coz I was too busy staring at a girl's backside).

but OMG!!!! you put my question to Hasbro!!! and they answered it!!!! it was nearly an admission that the Crimson Guards were inspired by our beloved Red Shadows!!!!!

I'm so happy, thanks Baron for including my question.
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