Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

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Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by jamarmiller »

Okay so the other sites are doing thier Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008 questions now

so go to Joebattlelines , joesightings, joereloaded.com or Hisstank and submit your questions

Somethings to Remember:

Hasbro is doing international figures , even has an international Logo
Wraith is being done ( he was revealed to have stolen his suit from the RED SHADOWS )
RED LASER is in the top 3 of the custom contest

The more questions on Action Force and the RED SHADOWS the more hasbro will realize that we are here

get your questions in fast!

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by The Baron »

BFTB is now confirmed for the Hasbro Q&A session. Unfortunately they want the questions by 8 pm today! They did apologise for the rush.

We can ask five questions. Here are my thoughts;

1) Action Force and Red Shadow customs are proving to be ever popular, even though the toyline was cancelled 23 years ago. Red Laser has been voted into the finals for Hasbro's 25th anniversary custom figure contest. Given the extraordinary longevity of the concept, and the diehard devotion of the fanbase, why have there been no new Red Shadow designs created?

2) DDP's Rise of the Red Shadows had a very mixed reaction. While it was generally disliked by the GI Joe fanbase, it did increase people's interest in the range - BFTB's hit counter went from averaging 200-300 hits per month to over a thousand. In Europe the new Red Shadows were generally regarded as pale imitations. Do you think the comic would have been more successful had the original character designs been used?

3) Last year BFTB ran a "Save the Red Shadows" petition. DDP very graciously listened to our pleas for Wilder Vaughn to be retconned as an older Black Major, as evidenced by his uniform in America's Elite #34. Was the decision to reinvent the Red Shadows a direct result of reading the online comics at BFTB?

4) Are there any plans to release the Devil's Due version Red Shadows as toys? They too have been widely embraced by GI Joe customisers.

5) The BFTB community has been hard at work recolouring the B&W Battle Action Force comic strips for over a year now. The project has proven to be extremely popular, resulting in a non-profit Collected Edition book. Is there any likelihood of these classic stories being officially reprinted?

Does anybody have any better questions, objections, or thoughts to add?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by chad_ghost »

They all sound good to me, Baron.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by The Kraken Wakes »

Yeah to me too. Im not too sure what the people answering would know about AF off-hand but maybe we need to point out they have a lot of the sculpts in the 25th line already.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by Flint »

I like all the questions. HOWEVER I think #2 need re-worked as it is basically speculation, that Hasbro would not be able to answer. I do think however your hit count speaks for itself that the interest is there. I would love to see (assuming they now own the molds even if it exists) a reissue of the Shadowtrak. And if we could re-word this that perhaps they could do a comic 3-pack or 2-pack of the old BAF; and re-do Baron Ironblood, Black Major, and a Red Shadow seeing how this type of release has been quite popular.

My only other question would be and it has no direct bearing to BFTB is I've heard the new cartoon is just a 1 shot pilot going straight to the internet, I'm curious for more info on the toon (maybe the answers are already out there and I haven't seen them).

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by Space Commander »

Hello! What a great opportunity!

Just a thought; some of you may rememeber the grief I'd been getting from AF-Haters before I joined this forum (see my earliest posts for details). When you're explaining to the panel what AF was, maybe you could ask them (should they ever decided to revive some of those early characters) if they could put a small datafile on the back of the packs just to very briefly explain where Action Force came from in real life, what became of Palitoy, what Battle Action Force was, and what it meant to young readers in the UK. It doesn't have to be an encyclopedia's worth! Just a few polite sentences. Maybe that would help make us more "accepted" by the GI Joe community.

Its just a thought, though.

Hey! Maybe we could get a new Moondancer :moondancer: ! Of course, Space Commander :skyraider: would be the ultimate for me personally... but I know its a long-shot.

Take care, and good luck!
ACTION FORCE; The 21st Century Mini-Comics Project. http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/ ... 62&t=13534

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by The Baron »

PoetFlint wrote:I like all the questions. HOWEVER I think #2 need re-worked as it is basically speculation, that Hasbro would not be able to answer.
Hmmm, yeah I guess that one is more of a rant at them for not doing it properly, while slipping in some hard truths. I suppose I'm trying to ask if it would have been a flop either way. Does it work better if I make the question:

Is it fair to say the comic would have been more successful if the original character designs had been used?
PoetFlint wrote:And if we could re-word this that perhaps they could do a comic 3-pack or 2-pack of the old BAF; and re-do Baron Ironblood, Black Major, and a Red Shadow seeing how this type of release has been quite popular.
I think it'll be easier to tack that on to question 5.

5) The BFTB community has been hard at work recolouring the B&W Battle Action Force comic strips for over a year now. The project has proven to be extremely popular, resulting in a non-profit Collected Edition book. Is there any likelihood of these classic stories being officially reprinted? Possibly as a comic and figure 3-pack?

But that's technically two questions. Any suggestions?

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by Space Commander »

The Baron wrote: Any suggestions?

Only that Kraken (below) is probably right in that we may have to explain to them what AF actually is / was, hence my earlier post. I think this is an exciting opportunity, whatever happens!

The Kraken Wakes wrote:Yeah to me too. Im not too sure what the people answering would know about AF off-hand but maybe we need to point out they have a lot of the sculpts in the 25th line already.
ACTION FORCE; The 21st Century Mini-Comics Project. http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/ ... 62&t=13534

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by The Kraken Wakes »

Does anyone know why Hasbro produced the other international 25th figures? Maybe fan pressure got those produced and we should mention these as an example.
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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Two 2008

Post by The Baron »

90 minutes to go, folks...

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