Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
- The Kraken Wakes
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- Joined: 28 Apr 2007 16:40
- Location: Nottingham
Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
I still maintain that Rogue One is the best Star Wars film ever. Solo is good though
twitter - @thekrakenwakes / @BIronblood
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- Chopper
- This is what you get when you mess with the SAS
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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
Better than Empire? Or the Holiday Special?
Let me tell you, Gunner La-De-Dah Graham, the British Army can fight anything! Intimate or not!
Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
The box office disagrees and so do the toy sales. They are just hoping to break even on Solo. Toy 'r' Us when they were going to the wall had loads of shop soiled Star Wars overstock. Something is not right in the state of Denmark.
- The Kraken Wakes
- Posts: 5275
- Joined: 28 Apr 2007 16:40
- Location: Nottingham
Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
Yep, best SW film ever, including vintage / modern etc.
twitter - @thekrakenwakes / @BIronblood
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instagram - THE_KRAKEN_WAKES
Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
Anyone here about the other FUBAR business mistake? Kathleen Kennedy sold the rights of Star Wars films to Ted Turner for x years during her tenure. They now want those same films back for the Disney online streaming service. Ted Turner told them to "Go do one" .
Seriously the last time I heard of a rookie mistake like that Nelson Mandela sold the gold reserves of South Africa while they were at an all time low in the early 2000's.
When will these mistakes come to a head before someone says Stop?
Seriously the last time I heard of a rookie mistake like that Nelson Mandela sold the gold reserves of South Africa while they were at an all time low in the early 2000's.
When will these mistakes come to a head before someone says Stop?
- Chopper
- This is what you get when you mess with the SAS
- Posts: 7221
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Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
Justin Bieber outsold BB KIng, popularity isn't a measure of taste.Doc wrote:The box office disagrees and so do the toy sales. They are just hoping to break even on Solo. Toy 'r' Us when they were going to the wall had loads of shop soiled Star Wars overstock. Something is not right in the state of Denmark.

I don't think collectors are much interested in modern Disney or even prequel trilogy. The OT is still the big money spinner. Quality of the toys also matters to collectors. Imagine they trotted out AF figures like the newer Millennium Falcon.
Let me tell you, Gunner La-De-Dah Graham, the British Army can fight anything! Intimate or not!
Re: Big Changes over at Disney/Star Wars
No its different. Its wrong to compare BB King to Bieber. Star Wars was once a successful and bankable franchise. As an investor you were guaranteed your principle back with interest. Movies are a high risk business. So we have gone from Blue harvest being a lucky one off to being very successful to being "Dear God, there is steam coming off the rosary beads, I hope we can break even".
I hate bankers as much as the next guy but if they dont see a return they wont provide investment. If they dont provide investment money films and spin offs dont get made. They have canceled the "film a year" projects and they are all gone back to the drawing board, except for episode IX which I am glad my pension isnt banking on.
I am telling you films are hard work and great craic to be working on but I wouldnt like to tied to a failing franchise. Star Wars 1313, a video game using the Batman Arkham Asylum engine got cancelled, Clone wars cancelled. George Lucas visions for episodes VII-IX cancelled. Not that Disney were ever renowned for sound management (anyone remember them wanting €30 for a Disney DVD while Pixar were selling for €10 for Shrek?), Lucas left the brand in some really bad hands. My Nephews have no interest in Star wars.
I hate bankers as much as the next guy but if they dont see a return they wont provide investment. If they dont provide investment money films and spin offs dont get made. They have canceled the "film a year" projects and they are all gone back to the drawing board, except for episode IX which I am glad my pension isnt banking on.
I am telling you films are hard work and great craic to be working on but I wouldnt like to tied to a failing franchise. Star Wars 1313, a video game using the Batman Arkham Asylum engine got cancelled, Clone wars cancelled. George Lucas visions for episodes VII-IX cancelled. Not that Disney were ever renowned for sound management (anyone remember them wanting €30 for a Disney DVD while Pixar were selling for €10 for Shrek?), Lucas left the brand in some really bad hands. My Nephews have no interest in Star wars.