Blood for the Baron 30th Anniversary Q&A Session
001) Was there any choice in which US characters and vehicles were to be incorporated into the line or did Hasbro say you are going to use X mold etc.?
The choice of which characters and vehicles from Hasbro were in the line came mainly from the Brand Manager of Action Force. Design had input on choice and we chose the colour and designed the decoration and decaling.
002) How were the colour schemes determined?
Design Department originated the colour schemes, mainly between me and the modelmaker, who would do the spraying and decoration.
003) How much interaction did Palitoy have with Toltoys in Australia and New Zealand?
I will have to pass on this one – respective Marketing Departments would have been the link.
004) Did Dave Tree find all the Prototypes?
Definitely not. Most of the figures that you guys call prototypes are actually samples of “first shot mouldings” when the moulder tries out the tools and runs a few off in a coloured plastic they have handy. They would be passed over to Design and they were used to test fits and assembly, etc; and maybe some sprayed up for photography. The submarine vehicle with the large pair of claws is not a Palitoy item. I have checked with the Palitoy designer who made the original prototype of Sealion before we passed it to an outside design studio for styling the production item, and he definitely has no knowledge of it. I have a selection of figure prototypes of the Year One figures which are made from moulds taken from the original clay sculptings and these are made of metal or epoxy resin. They were used at the Toy Fair in 1982.
005) Did you have a military advisor or just do all the research yourself/with your team when designing the

We did not use any military advisor. As you know the first figures were based on 12” Action Man and we did visit places like the Household Cavalry barracks in London when we did the Ceremonial outfits for Action Man.
006) Did you have any Russian - or Georgian - speakers on your team, or were the characters used on
I studied Russian at school and when we put together the Enemy team I thought it would be cool to use the Russian alphabet for vehicle decals. The use of the letters are completely random.
007) Similarly, who wrote the bios? And developed all the detailed schematics?
The Brand Manager wrote the bios.
008) How much contact did you have with the writers and artists of Battle Action Force?
Marketing had all the contact with Battle Action Force.
009) Would
Pass on that one.
010) Why were there no

Pass on that one.