Important changes to the Q&A format

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The Baron
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Important changes to the Q&A format

Post by The Baron »

Danny Palestine wrote:Yo Joes!

Get suited for battle solider, because the G.I. Joe Q&A is getting called back into active duty very soon, with a new twist! Please take the following instructions into consideration during your future participation:

· The 2010 Q&A is five (5) rounds, not including the January 2010 round (already completed).
· For every round, each participating site is allowed to submit three (3) questions, at least one (1) of which will be answered. The remaining questions of the 40 total submitted to Hasbro will be the “best of the rest.”
· Additionally, we will give all participants answers to all the questions, once each site is give 48 hours to post their own. That way, each of you will, in essence, have 40 questions for each round to post to their own site.
· If you represent more than one outlet, you must submit a separate email containing your questions for EACH site. (So if you represent two sites, you send in two emails, each with their respective questions.)
· Your email containing Q&A submissions should have a subject line in this format: GIJ Q&A Date of submission deadline (MM/DD) – Site Name – First Last. (So lets say the questions are due to us no later than March 8, your subject line should look like this: GIJ Q&A 3/8 – – Danny Palestine)
· In the body of your email, the top-most line should have the following information: Outlet – First Name Last Name (Example: – Danny Palestine)
· Please do not include phrases like “Dear Hasbro” or “From USER NAME” or any likeness of this.
· Please format the numbers in your email like this: “#)” - Not “Q#:” or “#.” or any other alternative (Example: 1) How many….)

Now that we have cut through that jungle, please find Hasbro’s G.I. Joe 2010 Q&A schedule attached. Please realize these dates are subject to change. There is a lot of time between each round, please plan ahead and get them in on time!

Questions Due:
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010

Responses Returned:
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010

Many thanks for your continued activity and efforts!


Danny and team

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The Baron
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Re: Important changes to the Q&A format

Post by The Baron »

f*ck! Totally missed yesterdays deadline.

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Re: Important changes to the Q&A format

Post by jamarmiller »

dam , thats too bad

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