Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Five 2009

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Five 2009

Post by Red Laser »

Didn't Jamar buy his figure on e-bay from a chinese seller I know he did mention where it was from.
Spock, where the hell's the power you promised?

One damn minute, Admiral


"Red! The colour of my Shadows, The colour of fire and of blood......All that I stand for!" Baron Ironblood, Operation Bloodhound

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Five 2009

Post by The Baron »

Results are in!

Hasbro's GI Joe Q&A Round Five 2009

1) For September 2010 we plan to host the first ever UK GI Joe convention. Do you have any suggestions or advice, please? We would greatly value any input you could provide.

There is also a Transformers convention in the UK called Autobot Assembly. We would suggest trying to get in contact with the organizers of this event. They have been running them for many years and have had great success. Best of luck with the convention and thank you for the support!

2) Is it true that the Pursuit Of Cobra line has been cancelled for the UK?

No plans have been confirmed at present.

3) The postponed Polar Shark driver Icestorm figure bore more than a passing resemblance to the classic Red Shadow design. Was there an influence or is it purely conincidental?

This is purely coincidental. This figure was inspired by the bright colors used in extreme arctic naval gear.

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Re: Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round Five 2009

Post by action-figure-supplies »

Bah to you Autobot Assembly!
I think we should join up with the Heart of England Action Figure Show.
http://www.uk16.freeforums.org/heart-of ... w-f20.html
Shows twice a year in... Coalville!
Or failing that we should do a trial run in a pub somewhere to see how many of us actually turn up! (that was the missus' idea...).

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