Hasbro Q&A session

Got a suggestion for Hasbro? Something you need to know? This is the place to find out!
Space Commander
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Re: Hasbro Q&A session

Post by Space Commander »

Official dialogue can be a frustratingly slow form of communication, but it's also the only way to get official answers, so lets keep our chins up, be grateful for whatever we can make of their responses, and try to keep Hasbro sweet ;-)

Their enthusiasm for our convention idea is encouraging, and this...
BFTB wrote:3) If it's not too much bother, please could you specify which Action Force character rights you own (if not all of them, that is)? We are cautious about overstepping any legal boundaries in regards to fanfic or other fan-projects.
Hasbro wrote:We appreciate your concern for the intellectual property rights involved. We would have to check with our legal department to give you a definitive answer.
... shows that they're aware of our intention to keep :af: alive one way or another and are thankful that we're not just going to go ahead and nick their copyrighted stuff. If we can keep the peace between :af: -fans and Hasbro, there's a greater chance of working with them on future projects. Mind you, I said chance, not promise. Still, let's hope!

PS. Thanks for putting my question forward, :baron: Baron..., maybe we'll hear from Hasbro in due course. :mrgreen:
ACTION FORCE; The 21st Century Mini-Comics Project. http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/ ... 62&t=13534

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Re: Hasbro Q&A session

Post by mineral7 »


Any news on a UK convention?

I have aquired 100's of carded figures in good condition from 1983 to 1994 as well as some mail-ins/accessory packs/vehicles and rare figures which I am exhibiting at Collectormania in a few weeks.

I am thinking of selling the entire collection (forced to sell for capital) - where is the best place to find die hard collectors?


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The Baron
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Re: Hasbro Q&A session

Post by The Baron »

Right here, but the best place is the Trade section of the forum. The convention is pencilled for October, watch this space for details.

Welcome to the forum, mineral7, do please make yourself at home! Is there any chance you could help out with the missing images for the archive, do you think?

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