Project: Feedback! Status Report

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Project: Feedback! Status Report

Post by Rockhammer »

I hope you'll forgive the G.i.Joe ARAH intrusion, but I thought you may want to know the status of the Feedback report.

Thank you very much to those here who particpated in the survey,


Official announcement follows:

Project: Feedback! Status Report

Thank you for your continued interest, support and participation in Project: Feedback! The G.i.Joe International Collectors Convention has come to an end, and you may wish to know the outcome of the submission of the Feedback Report.
Due to many reasons in real life (beyond the control of the Project Feedback team), we were unable to completely finish the report in time for the convention. Nevertheless, we were able to produce a preliminary report which was printed and set to be shipped via Express Mail Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, the USPS could not guarantee next day delivery to Kissimmee, and courier services such as FedEx were simply out of our budget. We reasoned that the expense was not warranted given the preliminary nature of the printed report (at the begginning of this project, we decided we would produce a professional, accurate and complete report. We would have fallen short of this goal had we simply submitted the preliminary version). It was then decided that we would ask Hasbro representatives at the roundtable if they would be willing to accept the final version of the feedback report if directly mailed to them. Corey Stinson of agreed to talk to Derryl DePriest in our behalf at the convention. Derryl was aware of our efforts, and agreed to accept our report when finished. He provided us with his contact information.
We are hard at work finishing the report. Completion is estimated at one month from now.
Keep checking here for updates, and when finished, the report itself.

The Project: Feedback! team

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