SteveD wrote:Sorry, just catching up. Ridiculous weren’t it. A lot of people on Facebook seem to have taken the hobby in a direction I don’t connect with. It’s lost it’s friendliness. I also find there’s an arrogance of “you have that, I want it”.
Couldn't agree more Mr D.
Very much like Facebook itself, I feel collecting

has been taken over by people who treat the whole hobby as a "Game Of Life" one upmanship contest for bragging rights where success is measured by who can spend the largest amount of money in to be first across some imaginary finishing line.
I think the last straw for me was being told, quite bluntly, "to read again" (no please) by some guy who was searching of issue 1 of the

comic... simply because I'd commented that I remembered having it as a kid & what a cool poster it came with.
The guy didn't seem to have any reason for wanting the comic other to boast he'd gotten the complete set.. no emotional connection what so ever.