Splendid! Somewhere in the void the thread on 'errors' got updated by Mv2 when he was Mv1, description of

or summat, but I'd missed this.
PS. The level of Bl0pS where one goons around in the chem suit, whilst they call it the Enfield and it's based on the code for the LSW from MW2, what they were trying to get at was that it was the totally rad EM-2 that the OGA was using to take own those pesky Soviet freelancers.
What's important here .. which goes back to the source of a few Palitoy genius issues ... is that Herr Brechin and his genossen were also familiar with this stuff .. like Herr Tshot with youtube ...
f*ck, now I have to find all that Soviet landing craft stuff again, had a beaut pic uploaded but it must be gone now.
Someone fed Campion all that cutting edge Jane's Defense stuff, and it wasn't the IPC headshed.