I'm not sure how to start, whether to thank everyone for supporting the project or to apologise for the delays - I'm afraid one of the pitfalls of being a one-man-band is that I sometimes stretch myself too thin. I am sorry for keeping folk in the dark, the last two months have involved a horrid separation, almost being evicted and this week, dashing to Somerset as my mum goes into surgery. Things should be an even keel from now on, touch wood, but I do apologise for not being available until now. As soon as I return home I will re-commence Photoshopping the pages together. I will post regular updates on Kickstarter, on BFTB Facebook and on the dedicated BFTB Kickstarter forum: viewtopic.php?f=143&t=14976
I have good news regarding the book, most specifically that all of the old images have been scrapped in favour of brand new photographs! I was recently given the opportunity to replace the complete archive with high-resolution images using a professional booth. Here are an old and new Kraken shot for your comparison!
Kraken (old)
Kraken (new)
So as you can see, the book is going to be far better than originally intended! I still need to do another 2 photo sessions to complete the lot. To help with this increased workload I have put together a team of seven BFTB volunteers to help edit the new images, and they are coming in thick and fast! All of my page layouts and templates are in place and I am currently poring through the Battle Action Force strips to double-check which toys appear in which comics.
By way of thank you I have also managed to procure some added incentives, EVERY copy of the book will now include both A3 posters (folded, sadly) and a copy of the BFTB repro Codebook! This is the perfect addition as it will not only serve as a bookmark, but the secret Red Shadow code will be used throughout the book as well

Free Codebook bookmark!
Free A3 figure poster!
Free A3 comics poster!
I cannot thank you all enough for believing in the project, I can't reveal much yet, but this project is just the first! There are exciting things ahead for the world of Action Force! Keep an eye on the BFTB forum and Facebook page for further announcements! I will post another announcement when the book is ready to print. Feel free to hit me up with any questions, or if you would like to help with the editing!
As the Kickstarter project has smashed through the target projection, I can now offer the book as available to buy for EVERYONE! This is a limited time offer between now and going to print. If you would like to order a copy please contact me at bloodforthebaron@gmail.com. The book is £40 GBP including wordwide tracked shipping. Unfortunately I am unable to offer the three Kickstarter incentives for any direct orders.
I'm so excited, I can't thank you enough, my first Kickstarter has been a roaring success! Blood For The Baron!
More news, as it's made.